Special prices for trade and Synagogues - please contact
us |
was during a visit to the Bordeaux Wine exhibition that
Paul Jones had the idea of selling Kosher wines. Since then he has
never looked back and can now claim the largest retail selection
of Kosher wines in France. A Price List is available on request:
tastings are frequently held in the UK. Kosher Wines are displayed in our unique bungalow shop. The
background to Kosher wines is full of history: see information
We offer tastings in the U.K. for those interested in our huge
range of Kosher wines. Now well established, we can undertake
tastings on any day of the week: your local synagogue can often be
the focal point for such occasions. As a special offer orders made
at a tasting qualify for prices up to 30% cheaper than uk prices due to penal English Duty and Taxes. Generally we look
for a minimum group of 20 people. For more information contact Paul